Mild Shock
2024-03-24 13:04:41 UTC
Attention to John Harris <***>
In case you are about to go on a fishing spree
for F.U.D. like here:
Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt,_Uncertainty_and_Doubt
Be warned, your findings might mostlikely come out
as lame accusations. Judging from your JavaScript
tutorials your are stuck somewhere in the yesterdays
Why not just admit that var is practically deprecated,
and make a fresher of your nonsene tutorials, remove it?
It's probably only still there for backward compatibility.
4 Reasons Why ‘var’ is Considered Obsolete in Modern JavaScript
Also I doubt you can run Dogelog Player for JavaScript
with your mindset, it requires ES6 modules.
In case you are about to go on a fishing spree
for F.U.D. like here:
Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt,_Uncertainty_and_Doubt
Be warned, your findings might mostlikely come out
as lame accusations. Judging from your JavaScript
tutorials your are stuck somewhere in the yesterdays
First, inside a function definition
var v;
makes v a local variable.
However, in 2015 two other kinds of variable
were introduced that do have block scope. They
are declared using the keywords const and
let instead of var. v;
makes v a local variable.
However, in 2015 two other kinds of variable
were introduced that do have block scope. They
are declared using the keywords const and
let instead of var.
Why not just admit that var is practically deprecated,
and make a fresher of your nonsene tutorials, remove it?
It's probably only still there for backward compatibility.
4 Reasons Why ‘var’ is Considered Obsolete in Modern JavaScript
Also I doubt you can run Dogelog Player for JavaScript
with your mindset, it requires ES6 modules.